The Joy of Sports (boys entering grades 3 – 6)

This program provides boys with a love of sports the opportunity to compete in a wide variety of sport offerings including soccer, basketball, baseball, flag football, and Ultimate Frisbee in an environment where hard work and teamwork are emphasized and valued.  Each day will include a focus on a specific virtue connected to the life of an athlete.  Your boy will also be coached throughout the week in the various aspects of the different sports, helping him to gain a better understanding of the sports and to hone the skills needed to compete well in each.

Dates: June 17 – 21

Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Ages: Boys entering grades 3 – 6

Cost: $300

Staff: Mr. Ben Houde, teacher at Sparhawk Academy,

Notes: Boys should come dressed to be outdoors, prepared for whatever the weather and environment might bring.  Boys should bring their own lunch, a water bottle, cleats, sneakers, and a baseball glove.