Boys can arrive in the morning beginning at 7:45 and congregate in the Apple Orchard, where a teacher will be stationed to supervise.
During each recess period, there are five teachers assigned to monitor the boys. It is understood that these teachers will not be able to watch every boy at all times. In general, when the students are mostly spread out through the property then the teachers will be spread out as well.
At the end of the school day, students will be dismissed from their homeroom at 3:15 PM. Students should congregate at the Green, near the Stables, while waiting to be picked. If a student is not picked up by 3:45 PM, the supervising teacher will send the student to join the Homework Club in the Great Hall.
Before and after school, boys should not visit other parts of the grounds unless they are participating in a school activity or their parents have made arrangements with the school administration.