The Halls of Sparhawk

Similar to many traditional English schools, all students and faculty are placed in one of four halls: Anchor, Elm, Mead, and Stone. Each Hall is derived from the shield on the school’s coat of arms. The Halls cultivate camaraderie, leadership, and a healthy rivalry among the boys. They serve as the families within the larger family-like community of Sparhawk Academy. The student’s placement in a Hall is permanent and siblings (and usually first cousins) will automatically be placed in the same Hall. Student leadership is orchestrated through the Halls.

Throughout the year the Halls compete for points: competitions include poetry and speech recitation, athletic events, reading challenges, etc. The primary days of competition are festival days — days designed to help students have a sense of season and to truly celebrate a feast: they know the reason for the feast — the feast’s gift — and can naturally rejoice in receiving the gift.

The year culminates in the Trial of Champions, when the Hall with the most points is awarded the Minuteman Trophy. Throughout the year, teachers encourage boys in their Hall and all students to seek to “do their best” in the competitions by preparing well and putting all their efforts into the various events, whether the matter of the competition comes easily to them or only with great toil.