September 2017
In this beautiful month of September when students are allegedly in the back-to-school mode, we are one year removed from opening our doors to the first class of students at The Mill Brook School. From the experience of all of us working on this project at the Steering Committee level, this twelve month period promises to be one of hard work. Despite the fact that we have done much work already, there is much work still to be done. We welcome that work as a means of serving our community of parents, teachers and prospective students! Yet the calendar does not wait for us. We need to keep moving ahead.
The Steering Committee continues to meet on a regular basis and to assist Head of School Bob Sylvain as he brings all the strands together to weave the Opening Day mosaic.
But the order of the day is turning to the most mundane of topics: where are we to buy desks for the classrooms; with whom can we contract to plow slush on dreary winter mornings before the students arrive; what payroll service should we hire to process faculty paychecks; will we rely on parent volunteers to staff the dining hall for mid-day lunch (answer: Yes!).
The great news is that our message continues to be spread ever more widely to families and friends all around the Metrowest Boston area. We continue to be very confident that what we are putting on offer is unique and much sought-after by parents of boys in grades three through eight. You can help us immensely in this by directing prospective parents to visit our website and talk to Bob Sylvain either by email or by picking up the phone. He is always enthusiastic about speaking to prospective families.
We continue to ask for your prayers and financial assistance for this great enterprise. Throughout these very short twelve months, we will be asking for your help in many undertakings. Stay tuned by visiting our website, talking to your neighbors and friends about us, and get ready for the launch of this venture.