January 2018
A year ago, I began writing this blog about the vision a small group of parents had to bring
Sparhawk Academy into existence. We began by focusing our attention on hiring a Head of
School and a first-rate faculty, purchasing a long-term site, overseeing the outline of a solid
curriculum, raising contributions from many generous benefactors, and communicating our
mission to parents and other interested parties. I am delighted to report that we have made
excellent progress on all fronts. Now that Opening Day is on the horizon (September 2018!),
day-to- day operations become the priority for Head of School Bob Sylvain and his talented
faculty and staff. They are now the visible presence of the school. This month the entire faculty
will convene for an all-day meeting to develop the curriculum more deeply, to brainstorm on
ways to best communicate our mission to students and parents, and to take first steps toward
developing that intangible esprit de corps that is so essential to the success of our enterprise.
Please keep them in your prayers.
Meanwhile, it is appropriate that we as a Board of Trustees turn our attention to longer term
challenges and opportunities. One of the Board’s primary responsibilities is to be wise stewards
who foresee these challenges and opportunities and address them in a timely manner. We are
very encouraged by what we have already accomplished together – Board, faculty and staff,
and parents. Yet Sparhawk will be but a very young hatchling during these first few years of its
institutional life. And, like all new life, will have need for delicate attention and proper care.
Most of this attention and care will be given by the faculty and staff. But it is also appropriate
for the Board to consider these longer-term questions from a policy perspective and from a
perspective that is not caught up in the day-to- day concerns of running a school. What can we
as a Board begin to do now to plan for these long-term challenges, or perhaps even preempt
them? And what opportunities can we foresee to help this hatchling mature into a strong,
young sparrow? Over the next few months, the Board will be identifying the essential elements
of a Long-Term Development Plan in which we will begin to prioritize these challenges and
opportunities. Your input is welcomed. Please send an email to TCasey@SparhawkAcademy.org
to share your ideas with the Board.