December 2017
There were three significant developments in the history of our small institution this past month. That’s quite a claim after all that we have already experienced – and we have not yet opened our doors! First, I am very happy to tell parents, friends and benefactors that we have purchased a 56-acre site at 376 Orchard Street in Millis, Massachusetts. The site straddles the border between the towns of Millis and Sherborn; it has been a residence and horse farm for many years and now becomes home to our new venture. The site has rolling hills, playing fields, woods with tall trees and walking trails, and a small brook and stream. Whether studying science, history, literature, or virtually any other subject, opportunities abound for experimentation, exploration and adventure throughout all the grounds. If you know what excites young boys to learn, you will quickly appreciate why this location is such a jewel. Watch this site as we announce our first Open House very soon.
Second, the Mill Brook School Steering Committee has decided to change the name of our institution to Sparhawk Academy. Those of you who have been following our development these past years will certainly wonder what gave impetus to this decision. Sparhawk Farm is the name of the property we have purchased, and the brook running through it is named Sparhawk Brook. We feel that the name Sparhawk Academy captures the adventurous spirit that we hope to instill in the boys while preserving the legacy associated with this beautiful site.
Our third development is the most significant for you as parents. As I have made mention in earlier postings, our goal from the start has been to assemble the best faculty possible to serve our families. We have now made offers to and received commitments from seven outstanding educators to come help us launch Sparhawk Academy. By any measure, this is a talented, committed team that you will learn more about on pages elsewhere on this website. Read their biographical sketches and you will agree that we are very fortunate to attract men of such high caliber to teach your sons.
If you have not already figured it out from reading this month’s blog, I can assure you that Sparhawk Academy is ready to soar. Come fly with us!